Italian Society of Electoral Studies – 13th International Conference
Where is Representation Going?
Urbino, 26-27 May 2023
University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Department of Economics, Society, Politics (DESP)
Even before the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, contemporary democratic regimes were under pressure. The events of recent years have constituted additional stress tests and changed the political contexts in which elections are held worldwide. Representative regimes have long coexisted with feelings of discontent and uncertainty, often linked to the multiple crises of global society. Elections have frequently given expression to these phenomena, enabling the emergence of challenger parties, and populist or anti-establishment political actors. This has affected both what happens ‘before’ elections – as regards the definition of electoral (and constitutional) rules, candidate selection, the competition formats, and election campaigning – and what happens ‘after’ elections, in terms of output, government formation and political (in)stability.
The 13th SISE International Conference aims to host contributions focusing on the challenges faced by representative democratic regimes today, as revealed by electoral dynamics. Scholars and researchers interested in these topics are invited to submit proposals concerning four main areas of investigation: 1. Patterns and determinants of voting behaviour; 2. Leadership and parties; 3. Political communication and election campaigns; 4. Electoral systems, party systems, and institutions. Alternative or original thematic proposals are also welcome. Both single-country and comparative papers that provide a sound theoretical foundation and robust methodological framework are very much encouraged.
Proposals (up to 250 words) should be sent to segreteria@studielettorali.it attaching the “paper proposal form” available at http:/www.studielettorali.it/, where additional information can also be found. Papers can be submitted in English or Italian.
7 April: call for papers
17 April: proposers notified of paper acceptance
30 April: conference registration deadline for paper givers*
7 May: conference registration deadline for non-paper givers*
17 May: papers to be sent to panel chairs and discussants
* Attendance at the conference is free. Selected paper givers who are not SISE members are invited to join the Society by 30 April. The free conference dinner is available only to SISE members registered for the conference by 7 May.
Call for papers SISE Conference 26-27 May
Conference Scientific Board: Fabio BORDIGNON – Gabriele BRACCI – Luigi CECCARINI – Serena CESETTI –Marino DE LUCA – Chiara FIORELLI –Domenico FRUNCILLO – Paolo NATALE – Dario QUATTROMANI – Antonella SEDDONE – Fabio SERRICCHIO – Fulvio VENTURINO